Saturday, September 20, 2008

Week 3: What do I disagree with?

I found many things interesting in this weeks's readings. Not sure if I found a ton of stuff that I disagree with but I did enjoy reading Yelland, Neal, and Dakich's book.

One of the authors mentions that educators should focus on the human aspect of using technologies appropriately rather than on skill development. I feel like here, they are saying that teaching technology is more important than teaching the basic skills ( reading, writing, math, etc.) Maybe I am I interpreting this the wrong way but I do disagree with this. Being a fifth grade teacher, I feel that it is crucial to teach these basic skills first and then the techonlogy aspect can be taught. Maybe technology can be incorporated into the teaching but the basic skills must come first!

Another 2 points that I would like to bring up are.......

.....even though our technology-rich society and popular media culture bring up new generations of students “with new needs and new capacities”, computers still remain “aliens in the classroom”. I totally agree with this. Being in a classroom with only 1 computer for the kids to use and not enough computers in the lab for a class I can see why they say computers are ALIENS in the classroom! to teachers to develop their skills and knowledge to integrate new technologies as tools of their profession has been minimal. I also agree with this point. I have not had any professional development activities where technology was the topic. I teach 5th grade and technology is never brought up and considered an important thing for us to worry about. With the future being all about technology, it seems a little scary!

I really hope that my county starts to think about the importance of technology for the sake of our students!

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